"Yanagiya - from Japan to the world." Our president shares with you his thoughts concerning Yanagiya's next 100 years.
Here we introduce our primary areas of business, supported by accumulated know-how backed by tradition and reliability - from the Edo period to the modern day.
This section features information on our company including the address of Yanagiya Honten, our domestic sales offices and our affiliated companies.
We use a chronological timeline to trace Yanagiya Honten's history from its origin back in the year 1585 to the present day.
For inquiries regarding product circulation, press releases and more, contact:
Yanagiya Honten Co., Ltd. Public Relations Dept.
PREXCEED Building 1-10-6 Bakurocho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0022
TEL: +81-3-3808-2761 FAX: +81-3-3808-2716 pr@yanagiya-cosme.co.jp